Dream Interpretation
This is a dream interpretation service.
For the most part, our dreams are an insight into our subconscious, and we can help you understand those dreams too, but sometimes, some of us have dreams beyond our comprehension, this is where Mar’s gift can be useful, as she is able to tune in to that dreamworld and your guides to get more insight on what messages you are receiving from the astrals, your guides and / or your subconscious.
Upon booking this service, you will be prompted to fill out a form with your name, email and a detail description of ONE dream, or whatever stood out from the dream that you can remember.
Please allow up to 3 days to receive your dream interpretation via email (The email will be sent from TheSacredSpiritCo@gmail.com please make sure to add The Sacred Spirit as a contact so that it doesn’t show up as spam, or check your spam emails for the next 3 days after you book).
*Please note, that this is an interpretation, and should never be taken as an absolute truth. You’re the only one who can know your own truth. We offer this service as a guide for you to take what you resonate with, and leave the rest.
This is a dream interpretation service.
For the most part, our dreams are an insight into our subconscious, and we can help you understand those dreams too, but sometimes, some of us have dreams beyond our comprehension, this is where Mar’s gift can be useful, as she is able to tune in to that dreamworld and your guides to get more insight on what messages you are receiving from the astrals, your guides and / or your subconscious.
Upon booking this service, you will be prompted to fill out a form with your name, email and a detail description of ONE dream, or whatever stood out from the dream that you can remember.
Please allow up to 3 days to receive your dream interpretation via email (The email will be sent from TheSacredSpiritCo@gmail.com please make sure to add The Sacred Spirit as a contact so that it doesn’t show up as spam, or check your spam emails for the next 3 days after you book).
*Please note, that this is an interpretation, and should never be taken as an absolute truth. You’re the only one who can know your own truth. We offer this service as a guide for you to take what you resonate with, and leave the rest.
This is a dream interpretation service.
For the most part, our dreams are an insight into our subconscious, and we can help you understand those dreams too, but sometimes, some of us have dreams beyond our comprehension, this is where Mar’s gift can be useful, as she is able to tune in to that dreamworld and your guides to get more insight on what messages you are receiving from the astrals, your guides and / or your subconscious.
Upon booking this service, you will be prompted to fill out a form with your name, email and a detail description of ONE dream, or whatever stood out from the dream that you can remember.
Please allow up to 3 days to receive your dream interpretation via email (The email will be sent from TheSacredSpiritCo@gmail.com please make sure to add The Sacred Spirit as a contact so that it doesn’t show up as spam, or check your spam emails for the next 3 days after you book).
*Please note, that this is an interpretation, and should never be taken as an absolute truth. You’re the only one who can know your own truth. We offer this service as a guide for you to take what you resonate with, and leave the rest.