Copal Tears Resin (6”x7” bag. Weight will vary per bag)
Copal was used by the Mayans, to smudge and cleanse negative energies, the same way Native Americans use sage to smudge and clear.
Copal reduces anxiety and stress, making it useful to burn before or during meditation or any of your spiritual practices.
How to use it:
Light a charcoal disc on a safe surface (a copalero or any other ceramic dish), once the disc is ready, place a few copal tears on top and begin to smudge. You may continue to add more copal tears until your charcoal is done.
Copal was used by the Mayans, to smudge and cleanse negative energies, the same way Native Americans use sage to smudge and clear.
Copal reduces anxiety and stress, making it useful to burn before or during meditation or any of your spiritual practices.
How to use it:
Light a charcoal disc on a safe surface (a copalero or any other ceramic dish), once the disc is ready, place a few copal tears on top and begin to smudge. You may continue to add more copal tears until your charcoal is done.
Copal was used by the Mayans, to smudge and cleanse negative energies, the same way Native Americans use sage to smudge and clear.
Copal reduces anxiety and stress, making it useful to burn before or during meditation or any of your spiritual practices.
How to use it:
Light a charcoal disc on a safe surface (a copalero or any other ceramic dish), once the disc is ready, place a few copal tears on top and begin to smudge. You may continue to add more copal tears until your charcoal is done.