You were divinely guided here

The Sacred Spirit started in 2020. Ive been working with divination for over 15 years with candle magick and oracle readings. I spent the majority of my life ashamed of it because i grew up with a catholic background. As i continued my healing journey later in life my gifts grew and i learned to embrace my gifts as well as my connection to the spirit world. Trusting my visions and my ancestral connection.

The name Sacred Spirit was given to me by my Native American Guide in my dream , he told me that's what I have to name the shop . I set up the Instagram page with that name that day, and created the logo a few weeks later. A logo that is a sacred gateway on its own. Alchemy with the highest vibration and intent . My mission is to empower others and use my gifts to do so.

Mar comes from a line of women healers from Mexico and Los Angeles . Mar was born with abilities to see beyond the physical and being in connection with spirits and energies. Working with candle magick and tapping into her oracle energy for 15 years through readings and guidance . As a holy fire 3 master teacher , Mar works directly with Source, Angels and the Ancestors through multi-dimensionality. Mar works with various healing modalities through her work.